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Valley's Voice

Valley's Voice is open to all Middle and High School youth! Plan events for you and your friends, design projects you care about to positively impact the community, and get paid for your work! 
Meetings are held Monday's, bus passes are reimbursed, and dinner is always served! Check out our Big Ten Ideas for more on what we focus on.

Our Values


  • Creativity: Students are able to explore their own creativity while creating community projects. 

  • Passion: Students are committed to reaching the goals of their projects in order to make positive change. 

  • Leadership:  Students are able to learn and apply leadership skills in order to empower and create well-rounded youth in our community. 

  • Inclusivity:  Mountain Youth seeks to include all facets of Eagle County youth. Students will be able to see past their own biases and include underrepresented voices.

Our Strategies

  • Empower:  Youth are encouraged to be empowered by their community by being involved in committees and passion projects, in order to promote positive change. 

  • Educate:  Valley's Voice empowers youth to take the expert role in educating the community about issues that are significant to them. 

  • Entertain:  Host various events that are "For Youth, By Youth" in order to improve mental health and the overall quality of life for young adults in the Eagle River Valley

Contact Cameron Dole, our Valley's Voice Coordinator or our Youth Liaison, Ariana Gonzalez for more information. 

Our Mission

Valley's Voice aims to provide 6th-12th grade students with 

necessary resources and a platform to create community change.

Our Vision

Every youth is valued, heard and recognized for their expertise

and included in the hard work of bettering our community. 


Welcome to Valley's Voice

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