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Youth Spotlight: Yoseline Herrera


Updated: 6 days ago

A Rising Leader.

Yoseline Herrera, affectionately known as “Yose,” deserves to be recognized for a ‘Youth Spotlight’ as she is a dedicated member of the Middle School Valley’s Voice (VVMS) crew, and an inspiring young leader from ECCA. This daring 8th grader is someone we can all learn a thing or two from.

Coming from a large family, it’s clear that Yose understands the importance of teamwork and supporting others. Although she isn’t the oldest sibling, Yose acts as an inspiring and responsible role model for her younger sister and relatives involved in VVMS even if she may not recognize it yet. She shares that her involvement with Valley’s Voice is rooted in her passion for community service and her desire to give back and connect with others, “I wanted to help out and meet more people.”  

This passion for community service can also be accredited to her mother, Norma, who has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in this path to helping others, portraying what relentless dedication looks like as a coordinator for families at a local nonprofit. I can personally attest to her admirable reputation as a steadfast figure in the community you can always count on, which beautifully explains why Yose chose her mom as her mentor when she was asked to choose one. While Yose takes after her mother in many ways, she also carves her own path, consistently showing up, leading with purpose, and inspiring others in the VVMS crew through example.

Yose is passionate about "sports and spending time with family and loved ones“ and likes learning new languages in her free time. While trying new things like learning a new language or confronting challenges can be daunting for most, Yose tackles them with a fearless spirit. One example of this was when she suffered serious knee injuries during a soccer game, where she hurt her ACL and meniscus, and overstretched her LCL. These injuries are significant and might prevent others from returning to play. Not Yose, she refuses to let fear stop her from going back to playing soccer and doing gymnastics like she has remained dedicated to since she was 3 years old. Talk about bravery, dedication, and true passion! 

Developing a strong sense of belonging in the community is important to Yose and plans to continue focusing on “helping other people” and deepening her involvement in the community looking into the future. She also encourages other young people to become involved in an essential role in their communities, by volunteering. “Volunteering is a great way to show that you care about others.” She also shares, “The best part about this community is how nice and welcoming everyone is, making it feel like family.” which is why her advice for other youth who might feel uncertain about where to start if they want to get involved is simple: “Just go for it! You might feel nervous at first, but after a little while, you’ll love it.” 

Without a doubt, Yose is on track to continue becoming a leader who not only makes a difference but also unites and influences people in positive and powerful ways. I can’t wait to see where her journey leads, and I know she’ll continue to inspire those around her, just like she has inspired me. 

Maybe we can all learn something from Yose's fearless spirit and try something we're scared of trying! If you’re interested in learning more about Valley’s Voice Middle School or want to know more about VVMS email me, at 

-Ariana Gonzalez, Youth Program Coordinator

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